Neck and back pain has always been a big staple of the injuries we treat successfully here at Active Life Chiropractic of Walnut Creek.

Classic causes of neck and back pain like strain sprains whiplash are still a major source of these types of injuries. At the same time neck and back pain conditions are becoming exceedingly prevalent in our culture with the growing number of people working at desks and using mobile devices. With that said having a solution that is reliable and fast is a must. And we have more than one solution.

After a thoughtful consultation we examine your neck and back to determine the best course of action. Always taking into account your experience with Specific Chiropractic, Massage, Laser Care and Active Release Stretching so you heal in a fast and effective way that creates ease for you. Neck and back pain is treated in our clinic like most conditions with an eye on your specific history and physical condition and the utilization of our unique combination of Specific Chiropractic, Massage, Laser Care and Active Release Stretching that serves your unique case the best.

If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (925) 939-2224.